Monday, July 1, 2013

And so the Journey begins...1 week down and 51 to go!!!


Hello to anyone who may stumble on this page,

So on Monday June 24, 2013 I made the decision to stop drinking for an entire year. Now its not to say I was getting out of hand or anything like that, it is just that alcohol was prohibiting me from acheiving other goals mainly pertaining to my health.

3 years ago I reached a weight of about 310 lbs (307 I think was the highest I ever saw the scale) I remember the beginning of that journey finally telling myself that enough was enough. I was determined to do what I needed to do to loose the weight. Starting in January till about May (right before my brothers wedding) I detached myself from the world and just worked, gymed and went home. No drinking, no eating out...very strict. In doing so I got down to 250. I was so amazed and going home the first time it was great to see the reaction of everyone when they first saw me, which only motivated me more to keep going.

After loosing the initial 60lbs or so I met a trainer and started working out with a personal trainer...over the next 2 years I learned to finally appreciate and love the body that I have. Ive struggled with weight for so long and just was always so depressed about it but never did anything about it. But now that I have I take pride in my body...yes i have stretch marks, extra skin...but in the end im in better health now than ive ever been and I only want to continue further down that path way and taking alcohol out of my life will help tremendously!!!

Ive decided that cutting out alcohol completely was the best for me instead of just limiting myself. Not to sound conceited or anything like that but I have definitely become a social butterfly here in NYC and theres just always a Happy Hour, birthday dinner, birthday brunch, brunch with unlimite mimosas' go to...I will still attend all these said events just will not drink. This will eliminate me being hungover/tired the next day and will also stop me from going to a diner at 4am and ordering burgers and fries.

September 2012 through April 2013 was pretty rough for me personally. I was in a state of depression that I didnt know how to get out of. Things kept happening that right when I felt like I was getting back up...I got knocked back down. It got to a point where I just wanted to stay gym...back to old eating habits...drinking excessively...blah..Then before you knew it I have gained 25lbs and Im back to 250...I swore to myself that once I got under 250 Id never go there again...well Im right on the edge so I gotta start now!

Ever since May 2013 Ive been in a better mindset to be able to start getting back to my old habits of gym and eating better! Ive taken my time with the gym as I know this is a marathon and no sprint!!!

I was going to start the no drinking for a year AFTER my birthday in July, but I got tired of just waiting for that day to come and go so that I could start i decided to just start it day but today right??

Well I have survived the first week, and the first week included a weekend in Fire Island...If i can survive not drinking in Fire Island then I will be ok!!!

Im not a big writer, but having this blog will hold me accountable so I think It will be helpful. I will write in it once a week just to let everyone know how things are going. I really do appreciate the love and support I have gotten this past week. Your love and support just keeps fueling my fire to do ME better and bigger in every way!!!!

So until next week!!! LOVE YALL!!!



  1. You got this Paco! Good luck and don't f% $* it up! Lol. Love you much.
