Tuesday, July 23, 2013

1 month down..11 to go!!!

Hello Everyone,

So Tomorrow Wednesday July 24th will officially be a month since I have started this journey!! Crazy how quickly time passes!!

I must say I have adjusted to this new lifestyle with much ease. My entire birthday weekend (including my birthday Happy Hour) the thought of having an alcoholic beverage never crossed my mind. It has already come 2nd nature to me to not want to drink. And this weekend I had plenty of opportunities to drink!!! but I didn't! Still going strong!

I had an amazingly great birthday! 29 has definitely started out in a very spectacular way. I have some of the best friends out there. My birthday happy hour was an absolute success. I have come to know many people from many different situations in my 5.5 years here in NYC and to see all my friends meet and get along smashingly was just amazing. So many people kept coming up to me and saying how amazing my friends are. It just made my night to see everyone there!!!

Fire Island was an amazing time like usual. It was more low key this time but I was fine with that! Mikey's boyfriend Nick baked me a cake and they surprised me with it! I was really surprised wasn't even thinking about it. Edin, Kenny and Sammy said they were going to town to get sandwiches for dinner. I stayed at the hotel with Mikey and then we walked over to Nick's where everyone was waiting for me and they sang happy bday to me. Granted I didn't get my sandwich but I was ok with that! Lots of pool time, and just being around the people that mean to world to me!!! Made some new friends so that's always lovely!!!
Now that my birthday celebration has come and gone it is back to business. I only have 10 more days until Im in Texas for my cousin's wedding. This summer is just flying by I swear!!!
I feel a little bloated just cuz of all the sweets I had this weekend and some bad eating...but it was my bday so some slack was given!!!
Tonight is my street fighting class! so ready to kick butt in a choreographed kind of way!!! ha!
I hope everyone is doing well!!! Much love to everyone!
See you in a week

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