Monday, July 15, 2013

Let the celebration begin!

Hey all,

So this week (Friday) to be exact I will be turning 29. I remember when I thought the day I'd turn 18 would never come...well it had come and past and I am just trucking along!

I am now 3 weeks into my year of sobriety! I had another great week. I continue to step up my gym time. I have found a new class that I am in love with and its called Street Fighting. I love it cuz although it may be insanely intense, I don't realize it is because I feel as if im in a dance class learning 4-5 8counts of a combination and just doing it over and over again. I see where I messed up and I just try to improve each time. Im full out 120% of the time!!! such a great class!!!

This week will be pretty tough to not drink but Im strong and I will get through it! I have even decided to still have my 4th annual birthday happy hour this Thursday!!! It always such a great time so I figured why not!!! Then I will be in Fire Island for 4 glorious days!!!

I have acquired a pretty nice tan this summer! I don't usually tan so this is very exciting for me! 4 days in FI should help my tan out im sure!

Im getting close to the 10 lbs lost mark! Not quite there yet! but in time It will happen. I started at 252. It feels good to be in the lower 240s again, and I cant wait till I am back in the 230s. That will be a post worthy day for sure!

I go home in 18 days and I look forward to that so much! I love my family and when I am around them I just feel happy and at peace. Being the only one outside the state of Texas is definitely a challenge and is hard sometimes. But I def go home plenty to make up for it!!!

They say it takes 21 days to form a habit, although it may be myth I have my own evidence to back that up. Sunday was a beach day for me and my crew. Normally I would have just made that a day off from the gym...This time I got up at 6am on a SUNDAY and trekked it to Chelsea to go to the gym and work out for about 2 hours before heading to Edin's apartment...I didn't even think twice about that decision. My mind was already made up, going to the beach wasn't excuse enough to skip a day at the gym. Working until 11pm on a Friday night however is (since all the gyms were closed). I feel like the gym is now back in my day to day life!!! which is great!! I now don't argue with myself whether or not I should go to the gym or not. Packing my gym bag in the morning before work has just become routine! This is what I need. I need to step it up. Go Big or Go Home!

Thanks again to everyone and their positive thoughts and words!!!

This journey is starting out to be a great one.

PS the next time I write to yall I will be a 29 year old :)


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