Monday, July 8, 2013

5 down...35 to go...

Happy Monday to all!!!

Well I am now 2 weeks into my year of sobriety and I am feeling pretty good! This was definitely an interesting week but a good one!

Good news first...I am down 5lbs...That is definitely a start!!! I gotta keep the momentum going and push even harder! My diet has definitely been better these past 2 weeks and Im finally back at the gym at least 4 times a week.

Now it was a holiday weekend, I was good with my gym time however I did cheat a bit with my food, it kinda was hard not too. But after eating it and feeling bloated and just blah I've realized that I just wasn't worth it. Before I used to live to I need to eat to live...I need to just focus on what is going to fuel me and keep me going all day long.

I definitely was tempted to drink on Saturday. I went to my friend Charlie's surprise 30th birthday party at the beer garden in Astoria, we were there for a good 5 hours. Just pitchers and pitchers of beer in my face...I was so tempted, but I stood my ground and stuck to my water!!! This is definitely going to be hard especially when in NYC alcohol is the focal point to most activities for adults...but I will stay strong!!!

Today Im wearing a shirt that in the recent past I would try on and just feel like a heffa in!!! It is definitely a good feeling when you can wear smaller clothes that you used to before you put on some kudos to that!!!

A friend of mine texted me this weekend and was upset that he was working out but not seeing results. Now Im definitely not an expert but it felt good that I could give him some pointers that I know worked for me that could possibly work for him. The gym is all about pushing yourself. You cant get comfortable that's the biggest key. Always changing things up is key!!!

Like on Saturday I was going to take my usual Cardio Thai Kickboxing glass with the handsome Angel as the instructor, but he apparently was away this holiday weekend. So this other guy taught the class and did it his own way. It was the same concept but he was a bit more intense and I loved it. It forced me to be harder and stronger. There was about 10 of us in the class, me and 9 girls (the case most of the time). 15 min in he told this girl that took his class before to stand front left and people on the left to follow her and then he told me that I have good rhythm and to stand front right so people on the right could follow me. It was a good feeling that the instructor put me on the spot cuz it forced me to be on top of my game 100% mainly because there were people counting on me to do it right and full out every time. That hour workout was AMAZING!!! And I cant wait to take his class again on Tuesday night!!!

I go home to Texas in less than a month and my goal was to loose 10lbs before then and I am well on my way to reaching my first goal!!! thanks again for all the love and support!!! Anyway you send me that love and support is welcomed!!!


1 comment:

  1. Congrats! beats losing weight through cancer by a long shot. take care.
