Monday, July 29, 2013

New Week...New Activities...New Friends!!!

Hey Gang!

So Happy Monday to all! And happy 5th week into my year long Journey.

This was a great week for me. I finished my last 2 sessions with my personal trainer this week. Kinda sad, I am still on the fence as to whether or not I want to purchase more sessions or not. I enjoy working out with him and its great to have someone there to really push and motivate me...but its just so gosh darn expensive!!! I told Joe that I wanted to work out the month of August by myself and see how I got along...then I will make my decision as to whether or not I will purchase more sessions.

This weekend was amazing one...Hung out with some great peeps...

Friday after I took my zumba class I headed to Boxers to meet up with Rudy and gang for some good times!!!

Was a great time with great people. Stayed till 10pm and then went home I was exhausted!!!

Saturday was Gym in the AM and was supposed to go Kayaking in the Hudson but plans fell through so just bummed around all afternoon. Sat night I went to a bear pool party with my #cubcrew!!! It was decent but we made it fun. A friend of a friend drove but had drank to much so I drove us to the bar afterwards, and then drove us to queens to eat and sober up at a diner near me. On the way leaving manhattan we got stopped at a sobriety checkpoint. Talk about some good karma!!! who knows what would have happened if my friend were driving!!!

Sunday was a first for me in NYC! I met up with Rudy and some new peeps to play some beach volley ball at pier 25. I think its easy to say that fun was had by all. Made some new friends and def look forwards to the next time I can play!!!

This week will be a crazy busy week I have a feeling. Lots of work to be done at work (go figure!!) Gym time! Trying to find an outfit to wear to Lindsey's wedding!!! Then flying home Friday night, where I might be taking my brother to his first gay bar!!! that should be entertaining!!!

I also purchased my flight home for Xmas. 17 days again. I gotta find a gym this time around. That will be too many days and too much food to NOT go and work out!!!!

Hope everyone has amazing week! See ya same time same channel next week.


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