Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The number of weeks are going up...but the number on the scale is going down!!!

Good Morning to everyone.

I took a hiatus from blogging last week, mainly because I did not have to motivation to write. If Kent isn't motivated, then he will not do it!!!

So I am still trekking along!!! I will unofficially say that I have lost a few more pounds but will wait until later this month to do an official announcement!!!

This Labor day weekend started and ended with parties. The middle was pretty quiet. Overall a lovely weekend. My roommate Rob and myself hosted an end of the summer Roof Top/House party on Friday night. Needless to say I don't know how to invite just 3 people. We ended up having about 40-50 people up on the roof and then back into our apartment when we got kicked out! I was 1 out of 50 that wasn't drinking. I really focused in on my hosting responsibilities and made sure everyone was having a great time! The party was an absolute success and I survived it without drinking! Although its hard, its getting pretty easy this not drinking thing. I along with everyone else just now expect myself to not drink so that's good for me! hardly any temptation! Sad thing is we have SOOOOOOOOO much liquor left over, all the reason to have another party :) That will definitely happen for sure!

Saturday and Sunday were pretty quiet for me. Gym time. Sunday was Sweaty Sunday. With taking 1 Zumba class and then walking 20 blocks with the Zumba instructor to take 2 more classes of hers!!! After that I thought I was just gonna go home and bum the rest of the day, but I ended up going to play 18 holes of golf with Raul and Charlie. It was fun, hadn't hung with those guys in quite some time. After that I was just done, did not leave my couch all night!!!

Monday...Rained...which was a downer but I still went to Freddy and Marco's little brunch gathering. Had a really great time meeting new gays :)

I lost my focus last week but now that Im back in it. The support I have been getting from my friends helps me. I sometimes feel like everything that Im giving up, is there a reason for this?? But when people tell me how proud they are of me and how fit im starting to look...I do know that there is a reason for what I am doing!!!

Just last night a friend tagged in his status update about him coming back from a run and thanking the people who has motivated him to get his health back in check. That makes me smile and makes me realize that what Im doing for myself is going farther than just for me. The fact that I inspire people to do better is beyond me. I NEVER would have thought I would be the one to inspire people to go to the gym...honey I was 310 lbs...I wasn't a gym bunny in any shape or form. But its amazing how different life can be if you just set your mind to it!!!

My other BFF Kenny has said that since the summer has come to an end he wants to stop smoking and drinking. Im busting his balls right now mainly cuz he says he wants to quit all the time, but he knows I fully support him and want him to prove me wrong this time. It takes a lot of will power to not do old habits you and your body are just used to doing!!! I wish him all the best in his journey as well!!!

I hope everyone has a great start to September!!! And I will see you next week!


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