Monday, September 9, 2013

The proof is in the pudding...

Hello to my fellow fan(s),

So I hope everyone is doing as amazingly wonderful as I am doing and feeling this Monday morning. It is an absolute GORGEOUS day out. It is a shame I am stuck behind a computer for most of the day.

So this weekend...Started out on an annoying note but ended spectacularly. Friday night was going to be low key for me for 2 reasons. Saturday I had a training session at 10am with my trainer and then I was going to Six Flags for Gay Days!!! So I need to conserve some energy! Well Friday night my trainer texted me to make sure we were still on for sat morning. I then reply with a yes, and then at 1030pm I get a cancellation text from him for my 10am workout. I asked for the reason for said cancellation and the reason just blew my mind. His excuse was that all of his other clients have cancelled for Saturday so he would basically come in just for me and that wasn't going to happen...I mean I'm paying you $$$$$$$$$ to work out with me...train me and then leave for the day? is it that hard?

Anyways after that drama it was off to Six Flags with my Cub Crew!!! Needless to say this experience was one of the highlights of my 2013 Summer!!! I love roller coasters and having been on one in about 5 years so it was fun to be a kid again.  We had such a blast riding the rides and checking out the sexy men in the park!!! Definitely got my exercise in by being on my feet from 3pm until about 1am!!! Being around such great happy positive energy definitely made for a great day. Plus the weather was perfect!!!

Now on Sat night I didn't home till almost 3 and didn't go to bed until almost 4. And somehow still managed to get up at 830 to start my day and head to Volley Ball with my Crew!!! This Sunday is was safe to say that everyone's A game wasn't there due to the fact that apparently everyone had a good Saturday night!!! Ha but still 2 hours of Vball time with some fun people was still just as amazing. This time I did not go out with them afterwards I was just so exhausted. I went home, showered and napped!!!

My amazing roommate cooked us dinner Sunday night...Turkey Burgers!!! I'm so thankful for Rob and how well we get along and how amazing our apartment is!!! Cant wait to plan the next party...

Ok...enough about my weekend...

Why is today's blog entitled "Proof is in the Pudding"... Today I am wearing the shirt that I wore to my birthday happy hour this year. And when I wore it to my HH I looked like I was about to pop out of it, but I didn't care cuz at least I could fit into it. Before I couldn't. So this morning I decided to just try it on. And it fits soooo much better. This whole weight loss process is a huge mental game. I sometimes mentally I feel like I'm still 310 lbs...Now I know I'm not, but its hard to see the hard work I put in sometimes...I just feel blah about my body. But this morning...I got the proof I wanted and needed to see. I am also wearing a pair of jeans that I haven't been able to wear in some time (as they are a slim fit). Needless to say I walked out of my apartment this morning feeling pretty amazing about myself and my body!!! I am now sober for 2.5 months and The idea of drinking is the last thing in my head!!!!

I have lost weight...but I will wait until I reach 3 months of Sobriety to have an official weigh in!!! So Stay tuned!!!

And thanks for everyone's love and support throughout all of this!!!

Happy Monday!

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