Wednesday, September 25, 2013

3 months of Sobriety...Where does the time go?

Hello all!!!

Sorry for being MIA for the past 2 weeks. Just been busy and kept putting blogging on the back burner! but here I am now to play some catchup!!!

So yesterday September 24th, 2013 marked my 3 month anniversary of when I decided to take this year long sobriety journey!!! I cant believe that it has been 3 months already. I have to say that these 3 months have been an amazing experience for me...

First things first...lets have an official weigh-in. So on June 24th I weighed 252lbs and on September 24th I weighed 226.7 lbs so lets just say that I weigh I have officially lost

25 POUNDS!!!!
I continue to amaze myself everyday...I have lost 25 lbs in 3 months. Which just blows my mind. Im so incredibly happy that I am just seeing amazing results. And I am happy that the hardwork, determination and sacrifice that I have been doing the past 3 months that there is just a purpose to it all.
life for Adam Kent Nicholas is just amazing...Im reaching out to a friend to looking into joining a volleyball league. Never in my life have I done any kind of organized sport. This would be an interesting challenge for me, but something that I want to do!!!
Another friend of mine just recently competed in a triathlon and since the race he has been very lazy and he wants to do an intense 40 day workout before Halloween. He created a group on Facebook and added me into it. Its just funny. Never would I have thought id be in a secret group on FB about working out!!! but this is exciting! I def need something to push me. Loosing weight is gonna get harder and harder now that im running out of fat to loose!!! So Toning up is going to become my new primary focus!!!
Im just so incredibly happy with life! and Thanks again to EVERYONE that has made these past 3 months such a breeze for me. Thanks for everyone being so understanding when it comes to my sacrifices. My close group of friends mean the absolute world to me!!!!
I have always wanted the scales to say 220 lbs...and I am just 6.5 lbs from making that dream a reality...
Stay tuned everyone!!!

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