Monday, July 29, 2013

New Week...New Activities...New Friends!!!

Hey Gang!

So Happy Monday to all! And happy 5th week into my year long Journey.

This was a great week for me. I finished my last 2 sessions with my personal trainer this week. Kinda sad, I am still on the fence as to whether or not I want to purchase more sessions or not. I enjoy working out with him and its great to have someone there to really push and motivate me...but its just so gosh darn expensive!!! I told Joe that I wanted to work out the month of August by myself and see how I got along...then I will make my decision as to whether or not I will purchase more sessions.

This weekend was amazing one...Hung out with some great peeps...

Friday after I took my zumba class I headed to Boxers to meet up with Rudy and gang for some good times!!!

Was a great time with great people. Stayed till 10pm and then went home I was exhausted!!!

Saturday was Gym in the AM and was supposed to go Kayaking in the Hudson but plans fell through so just bummed around all afternoon. Sat night I went to a bear pool party with my #cubcrew!!! It was decent but we made it fun. A friend of a friend drove but had drank to much so I drove us to the bar afterwards, and then drove us to queens to eat and sober up at a diner near me. On the way leaving manhattan we got stopped at a sobriety checkpoint. Talk about some good karma!!! who knows what would have happened if my friend were driving!!!

Sunday was a first for me in NYC! I met up with Rudy and some new peeps to play some beach volley ball at pier 25. I think its easy to say that fun was had by all. Made some new friends and def look forwards to the next time I can play!!!

This week will be a crazy busy week I have a feeling. Lots of work to be done at work (go figure!!) Gym time! Trying to find an outfit to wear to Lindsey's wedding!!! Then flying home Friday night, where I might be taking my brother to his first gay bar!!! that should be entertaining!!!

I also purchased my flight home for Xmas. 17 days again. I gotta find a gym this time around. That will be too many days and too much food to NOT go and work out!!!!

Hope everyone has amazing week! See ya same time same channel next week.


Tuesday, July 23, 2013

1 month down..11 to go!!!

Hello Everyone,

So Tomorrow Wednesday July 24th will officially be a month since I have started this journey!! Crazy how quickly time passes!!

I must say I have adjusted to this new lifestyle with much ease. My entire birthday weekend (including my birthday Happy Hour) the thought of having an alcoholic beverage never crossed my mind. It has already come 2nd nature to me to not want to drink. And this weekend I had plenty of opportunities to drink!!! but I didn't! Still going strong!

I had an amazingly great birthday! 29 has definitely started out in a very spectacular way. I have some of the best friends out there. My birthday happy hour was an absolute success. I have come to know many people from many different situations in my 5.5 years here in NYC and to see all my friends meet and get along smashingly was just amazing. So many people kept coming up to me and saying how amazing my friends are. It just made my night to see everyone there!!!

Fire Island was an amazing time like usual. It was more low key this time but I was fine with that! Mikey's boyfriend Nick baked me a cake and they surprised me with it! I was really surprised wasn't even thinking about it. Edin, Kenny and Sammy said they were going to town to get sandwiches for dinner. I stayed at the hotel with Mikey and then we walked over to Nick's where everyone was waiting for me and they sang happy bday to me. Granted I didn't get my sandwich but I was ok with that! Lots of pool time, and just being around the people that mean to world to me!!! Made some new friends so that's always lovely!!!
Now that my birthday celebration has come and gone it is back to business. I only have 10 more days until Im in Texas for my cousin's wedding. This summer is just flying by I swear!!!
I feel a little bloated just cuz of all the sweets I had this weekend and some bad eating...but it was my bday so some slack was given!!!
Tonight is my street fighting class! so ready to kick butt in a choreographed kind of way!!! ha!
I hope everyone is doing well!!! Much love to everyone!
See you in a week

Monday, July 15, 2013

Let the celebration begin!

Hey all,

So this week (Friday) to be exact I will be turning 29. I remember when I thought the day I'd turn 18 would never come...well it had come and past and I am just trucking along!

I am now 3 weeks into my year of sobriety! I had another great week. I continue to step up my gym time. I have found a new class that I am in love with and its called Street Fighting. I love it cuz although it may be insanely intense, I don't realize it is because I feel as if im in a dance class learning 4-5 8counts of a combination and just doing it over and over again. I see where I messed up and I just try to improve each time. Im full out 120% of the time!!! such a great class!!!

This week will be pretty tough to not drink but Im strong and I will get through it! I have even decided to still have my 4th annual birthday happy hour this Thursday!!! It always such a great time so I figured why not!!! Then I will be in Fire Island for 4 glorious days!!!

I have acquired a pretty nice tan this summer! I don't usually tan so this is very exciting for me! 4 days in FI should help my tan out im sure!

Im getting close to the 10 lbs lost mark! Not quite there yet! but in time It will happen. I started at 252. It feels good to be in the lower 240s again, and I cant wait till I am back in the 230s. That will be a post worthy day for sure!

I go home in 18 days and I look forward to that so much! I love my family and when I am around them I just feel happy and at peace. Being the only one outside the state of Texas is definitely a challenge and is hard sometimes. But I def go home plenty to make up for it!!!

They say it takes 21 days to form a habit, although it may be myth I have my own evidence to back that up. Sunday was a beach day for me and my crew. Normally I would have just made that a day off from the gym...This time I got up at 6am on a SUNDAY and trekked it to Chelsea to go to the gym and work out for about 2 hours before heading to Edin's apartment...I didn't even think twice about that decision. My mind was already made up, going to the beach wasn't excuse enough to skip a day at the gym. Working until 11pm on a Friday night however is (since all the gyms were closed). I feel like the gym is now back in my day to day life!!! which is great!! I now don't argue with myself whether or not I should go to the gym or not. Packing my gym bag in the morning before work has just become routine! This is what I need. I need to step it up. Go Big or Go Home!

Thanks again to everyone and their positive thoughts and words!!!

This journey is starting out to be a great one.

PS the next time I write to yall I will be a 29 year old :)


Monday, July 8, 2013

5 down...35 to go...

Happy Monday to all!!!

Well I am now 2 weeks into my year of sobriety and I am feeling pretty good! This was definitely an interesting week but a good one!

Good news first...I am down 5lbs...That is definitely a start!!! I gotta keep the momentum going and push even harder! My diet has definitely been better these past 2 weeks and Im finally back at the gym at least 4 times a week.

Now it was a holiday weekend, I was good with my gym time however I did cheat a bit with my food, it kinda was hard not too. But after eating it and feeling bloated and just blah I've realized that I just wasn't worth it. Before I used to live to I need to eat to live...I need to just focus on what is going to fuel me and keep me going all day long.

I definitely was tempted to drink on Saturday. I went to my friend Charlie's surprise 30th birthday party at the beer garden in Astoria, we were there for a good 5 hours. Just pitchers and pitchers of beer in my face...I was so tempted, but I stood my ground and stuck to my water!!! This is definitely going to be hard especially when in NYC alcohol is the focal point to most activities for adults...but I will stay strong!!!

Today Im wearing a shirt that in the recent past I would try on and just feel like a heffa in!!! It is definitely a good feeling when you can wear smaller clothes that you used to before you put on some kudos to that!!!

A friend of mine texted me this weekend and was upset that he was working out but not seeing results. Now Im definitely not an expert but it felt good that I could give him some pointers that I know worked for me that could possibly work for him. The gym is all about pushing yourself. You cant get comfortable that's the biggest key. Always changing things up is key!!!

Like on Saturday I was going to take my usual Cardio Thai Kickboxing glass with the handsome Angel as the instructor, but he apparently was away this holiday weekend. So this other guy taught the class and did it his own way. It was the same concept but he was a bit more intense and I loved it. It forced me to be harder and stronger. There was about 10 of us in the class, me and 9 girls (the case most of the time). 15 min in he told this girl that took his class before to stand front left and people on the left to follow her and then he told me that I have good rhythm and to stand front right so people on the right could follow me. It was a good feeling that the instructor put me on the spot cuz it forced me to be on top of my game 100% mainly because there were people counting on me to do it right and full out every time. That hour workout was AMAZING!!! And I cant wait to take his class again on Tuesday night!!!

I go home to Texas in less than a month and my goal was to loose 10lbs before then and I am well on my way to reaching my first goal!!! thanks again for all the love and support!!! Anyway you send me that love and support is welcomed!!!


Monday, July 1, 2013

And so the Journey begins...1 week down and 51 to go!!!


Hello to anyone who may stumble on this page,

So on Monday June 24, 2013 I made the decision to stop drinking for an entire year. Now its not to say I was getting out of hand or anything like that, it is just that alcohol was prohibiting me from acheiving other goals mainly pertaining to my health.

3 years ago I reached a weight of about 310 lbs (307 I think was the highest I ever saw the scale) I remember the beginning of that journey finally telling myself that enough was enough. I was determined to do what I needed to do to loose the weight. Starting in January till about May (right before my brothers wedding) I detached myself from the world and just worked, gymed and went home. No drinking, no eating out...very strict. In doing so I got down to 250. I was so amazed and going home the first time it was great to see the reaction of everyone when they first saw me, which only motivated me more to keep going.

After loosing the initial 60lbs or so I met a trainer and started working out with a personal trainer...over the next 2 years I learned to finally appreciate and love the body that I have. Ive struggled with weight for so long and just was always so depressed about it but never did anything about it. But now that I have I take pride in my body...yes i have stretch marks, extra skin...but in the end im in better health now than ive ever been and I only want to continue further down that path way and taking alcohol out of my life will help tremendously!!!

Ive decided that cutting out alcohol completely was the best for me instead of just limiting myself. Not to sound conceited or anything like that but I have definitely become a social butterfly here in NYC and theres just always a Happy Hour, birthday dinner, birthday brunch, brunch with unlimite mimosas' go to...I will still attend all these said events just will not drink. This will eliminate me being hungover/tired the next day and will also stop me from going to a diner at 4am and ordering burgers and fries.

September 2012 through April 2013 was pretty rough for me personally. I was in a state of depression that I didnt know how to get out of. Things kept happening that right when I felt like I was getting back up...I got knocked back down. It got to a point where I just wanted to stay gym...back to old eating habits...drinking excessively...blah..Then before you knew it I have gained 25lbs and Im back to 250...I swore to myself that once I got under 250 Id never go there again...well Im right on the edge so I gotta start now!

Ever since May 2013 Ive been in a better mindset to be able to start getting back to my old habits of gym and eating better! Ive taken my time with the gym as I know this is a marathon and no sprint!!!

I was going to start the no drinking for a year AFTER my birthday in July, but I got tired of just waiting for that day to come and go so that I could start i decided to just start it day but today right??

Well I have survived the first week, and the first week included a weekend in Fire Island...If i can survive not drinking in Fire Island then I will be ok!!!

Im not a big writer, but having this blog will hold me accountable so I think It will be helpful. I will write in it once a week just to let everyone know how things are going. I really do appreciate the love and support I have gotten this past week. Your love and support just keeps fueling my fire to do ME better and bigger in every way!!!!

So until next week!!! LOVE YALL!!!
